
The Church & Change

Jan Sat 2019
10:40 - 11:40

The Church & Change

Making the most of God’s money for ministry

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it”? Luke 14:28 (ESV).

Whether you serve as church treasurer, a member of the finance team, missions ministry leader or teach the truth about treasure in a bible class or small group the matter of money and its management when it comes to God’s church is one way God uses to test how much He can trust us. The church must make a choice to follow Christ when it comes to money management in His church. From Sunday morning giving to everyday living; from investing to creating new partnerships with other like-minded churches, Christian professionals and para-church organizations … whether providing financial assistance to members or properly preparing for the pastors retirement learn that trusting God often requires that you take what others might consider a risk in order to advance God’s Kingdom.


Rev. Louis B. Jones II
Senior Pastor
Pilgrim Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.